8 Effective Ways to Boost your Mobile App Downloads

mobile app downloads

So, you have brought your dream app to reality. It has a beautiful design, the app icon is excellent, and it works flawlessly on all devices. Your niche is unexplored and has a few competitors.

Yet, you have fewer mobile app downloads in the app stores. In that case, you are facing the same problem that the majority of people are facing after publishing their apps.

There may be a couple of things, which may have become a hindrance in the popularity of your application. Moreover, there is a huge difference between promoting your app and influencing users to download your app.

When you promote your app, it doesn’t give you a guarantee that they will undoubtedly download it. Also, you cannot be sure about the number of downloads. Additionally, every day a new app hits the app stores, and therefore, there is a rise in the competition.

Users continuously look for new features and functionality in applications, and if they do not find them interesting, then they immediately uninstall them. Therefore, it is crucial that you focus on users after you launch the app. You need to influence them even before they get to your landing page. Also, you require to convince your potential users about the value you will offer them. Your microsite, app-store page, and other aspects will help you crack the deal.

All you need to do is to put a little effort and have the right know-how to bring your app to the notice of the masses.

If you want to increase your app downloads in the app stores, then learn these best practices we have discussed here.

8 Best Strategies to Boost Your Mobile App’s Downloads

  • Create an Attractive App Icon

Your app icon is the first thing that will come to the notice of users. Therefore, it weighs the most among all aspects of an application. It has undoubtedly to be enticing.

Therefore, when you design your app icon, make sure it represents your application, and users have clarity on the app’s functionality. It should provide sufficient information to customers as to what they will find after they install it. Also, make sure you keep it simple and presentable. It should not confuse your users.

  • Prioritize App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization holds a significant place in influencing users to download your app. App Store rankings depend on metadata such as keywords, descriptions, ratings, and reviews. All these components contribute to App Store Optimization. Additionally, you need to consider how these keywords rank in each category of the application. For example, there is more competition for casual game apps, while it is easier to rank for music apps.

  • Encourage User Reviews

Enhancing your app’s visibility in the app store is not the only aspect that will increase its downloads. When your users notice your app, then comes the strategy of convincing them to download your application. You need to convince them that your app offers them valuable functionality and is reliable enough to download.

User reviews enter at this stage, wherein the reviews of one user help another one to put their trust in the app. As a result, it goes on, and if there are more positive reviews about the application, then it will get more downloads. Also, it is crucial that how you respond to the feedback of your users.

  • Invest in Content

When you include compelling and relevant content in the app, it will definitely have a positive impact on your downloads. You can incorporate content in the form of online articles, sponsored content, videos, or infographics. Still, it depends on your audience’s consumption habits.

You can impress your audience by incorporating walkthrough videos to show off your product’s visuals. Also, you can share user-generated content to help create a sense of community.

  • Social Media Outreach

Social media channels play a vital role in the promotion of any business, and in this case the application. But, before you decide the medium, you need to determine what type your application is and how you need to put a voice for it so that your users do not get bored with the promotion.

Further, do not just post your promotions, instead create engaging conversations, which will attract more users to download your app.

  • Encourage Users to Make Referrals

Referrals have always been considered the safest medium for promoting a business. It is the human mentality to trust a customer’s opinion about a product more than the opinion of a businessman.

Likewise, if you motivate your users to make referrals, then your app will gain more popularity and the downloads are likely to increase. You can encourage them for referrals by providing them with attractive offers within the app.

  • Give an Appropriate name & Describe Properly

Name is the identity of a person, business, or a thing, and it holds a significant place in spreading the word about them. Therefore, it is crucial that give an appropriate name to your app and describe it properly, which will help users know better about it.

Make sure you do not use the existing names, as it will put you in legal trouble. Keep your app name short and sweet. Make sure it helps users get clarity about its basic functionality.

  •  Focus on the User

It is not only about downloads when it comes to your mobile app. Who downloads it, who uses it, how they use it, and where they use it also adds to your application’s popularity.

Analytics is very important to determine what your users want the most out of your app, and how you can deliver their requirements. These aspects contribute to generating downloads.

The Last Words

Increasing your downloads is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. But, if you follow the strategies we discussed above will help you achieve your desired goals. Also, you need to remember that what works for other consumers might not work for your audience. Therefore, you need to rational while following your steps of promoting or marketing your application.

Today, lots of mobile app development companies have emerged, and it is hard to select the right one. Therefore, you need to consider the credibility, experience, and skills when you want to hire an iPhone app developer or an Android app developer.