How to make the most out of your newly designed website

newly designed website

Setting up a website can be an expensive and time-consuming task. It can also make your business accessible for a huge number of customers who wouldn’t have used your business before, increasing your revenue and solidifying the stability of the business. The only way you can turn the effort of building a site into success is by making sure the website is properly marketed. Here are a few tips on how to make the most of your newly designed website.

Make yourself present in search engines

No matter how technologically advanced your website is, often, you’re relying on one of the most traditional web tools to bring traffic to your homepage. Search engines have been around ever since the internet was made popular in homes. They were around before streaming sites, before social media, and before online shopping was the multi-billion pound industry it is today. Despite the advances in technology, old favorites like Google, Bing, and Yahoo continue to be one of the most effective ways of advertising your website.

To take full advantage of the power of search engines, you’ll need to make sure that you appear high up in the search results. You may think this just happens automatically, and that search engines will find out about your website and share the information with the rest of the world. In fact, to make yourself frequently appear in search results, you need to work on a process called search engine optimisation.

This will not only increase the traffic to your website, but it will also improve the quality of the traffic to your website. It will allow you to target the users that are the most likely to be persuaded to become customers. SEO is a hugely complicated process, with experts constantly studying and updating what they know about the ever-changing algorithms of search engines. That’s why it’s important to employ the expertise of a team that specializes in SEO, such as They have a wide range of effective strategies and a winning team of experts to carry out the whole process for you.

Check the URL

Although it’s less likely than a customer finding you via a search engine, some customers may still find your website through more traditional forms of advertisement. Whether it’s through a flyer, a catalog, or even printed on the side of a van, it’s important you come up with a URL that’s easy to remember and easy to type into an address bar. Avoid using symbols other than letters and numbers, and try to keep any address as short as possible.

Keep in contact

Once you’ve gone to all that effort to gain a customer, don’t just let go of them once they’ve received their order. Encourage any customers to share their email with you so you can contact them with future offers and maybe even exclusive discount codes. Do the same when it comes to social media. Make yourself a Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram account and update it frequently with the latest products you’re offering.