How to Organize a Birthday Party at a Park

Birthday Party at a Park

Do you want to celebrate a cheap and fun party? If your little one is about to turn years better than planning a magnificent children’s party full of surprises and outdoor activities.  In this article, we explain how to organize a birthday party in a park, an excellent option for young and old to enjoy the spring and summer season surrounded by friends. This party is an option adapted to your pocket, forget about having to say no to some guests for lack of budget, in the park they all fit.

Party in the Park: Date and place

If you are going to celebrate your party in summer, it is better that you choose a time when it is no longer hot. The evening will be ideal for you to enjoy hours of natural light and celebrate your birthday in the park. Think that the time of the year in which you celebrate the party will be significant when choosing date and time. Choose a field of grass that is close to your home and is large enough to perform various activities. If you have a house with a large patio, it can also be an ideal option.

Party in the park: Guests

What is a party without guests? Make a list of all those people who decide they should go to the party. Think that when you celebrate it in a park you will not have problems with space or almost budget, so you can invite as many children and parents as you wish. Have your little one make their own personalized and fun invitations. Paper, cards, colored pencils, and a little imagination will be enough to make some original and creative invitations. Get your child involved!

Party in the park: Decoration

The decor at any party is essential, even if we celebrate the birthday in a park. Buy decorative items such as balloons, garlands, streamers, or pennants. You don’t need to leave a lot of budget on it, because with a simple thing it will be enough.

You can also ask your son or daughter to help you with the decoration, to make personal and original ornaments. To do this, use tissue paper, cardboard, or cutouts. Do not forget to get a pinata, which later children can break and get candy. Give your personal touch to the outdoor space and above all, respect the green areas.

Party in the park: Catering

Food is a must! Prepare a snack or healthy snack, easy and fast. Simplicity will help you satisfy young and old, and it will be quicker to prepare. Be creative when it comes to catering.

Make a pica-pica with chips, olives, and nuts, among others. You can also prepare sandwiches, as well as an assortment of sausages or cheeses. Other options are fruit skewers, empanadillas, or pecking with tortillas, croquettes or pizzas. Do not forget to sweeten the party with a beautiful birthday cake, baubles or chocolate chip cookies. You will delight your guests.

Party in the park: Activities and games

Brighten up the party with activities and sports for young and old. Make your guests actively participate. Organize a list of the best outdoor games. We propose a sack race, the team handkerchief game or hopscotch among others. Make the little ones discover the sets of a lifetime, and you will have a great time. If your party is in the middle of summer, you can propose a water party with balloons or guns. And don’t forget the traditional ones. Let your imagination fly and offer a gymkana or various tests for children to discover a treasure Everything goes!

If you want to read more articles similar to How to celebrate a birthday party in the park, we recommend that you enter our category of Parties and Celebrations.